So, what is this page all about?

Well, as a kid, there was two toys that I absolutely loved: Lego's and Fisher Price Little People. As I grew up, those toys were stashed away at my parents basement for quite some time. As I established my own home, my parents decided to bring these toys over to my house. Some twenty years later, I felt like a kid all over again! My nephews dove into the Little People and my sister and I snatched up the Legos and decided to rebuild many of the sets I had. Luckily, I was only missing a few pieces. As I set to find the missing pieces, I turned to the internet to discover a whole world of sellers, collectors and buyers!
After I completed the missing pieces, I set out to obtain some sets that I wanted when I was a kid the Classic Castle, the Classic Space items, etc... Now, ten years later, I can say that have developed a hobby....though, my better half says something else! I have been completing sets that I buy at garage sales and building other sets. In fact, garages sales have mostly funded my purchases. I buy vintage books, dishes, glass, etc... at garage sales, then turn around and sell them on Ebay at ten times the price I paid!
With all that being said, I now have hundreds of sets. Someday, the sets I have collected will fund my retirement. Until then, I have decided to post pics of the sets I have accumulated as I rebuild them. I'm not sure if this will help anyone out there. It may help you build the same sets when the instructions online are difficult to read. If not, well, it is just fun for me as a hobby. I hope you enjoy.
I want to keep this page simple as I don't want it to turn into a second job. However, feel free to ask me any questions or comment. I will try my best to answer them.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

1620 Factory

I just posted the pics from the 1620 Factory... A European Classic Town Lego set!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

374-1 Fire Station

I finally got my internet working properly and just posted the 374-1 Fire Station!  You can view it on the Pages!  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, June 9, 2014

361-2 Garage

I just posted my first set 361-2 Garage.  You should be able to view it from the page list. 

Here we go!

So, I am off to posting my sets.  I'll create a page for each set and try to use the numbering scheme developed by (the Lego page I use the most).  My first sets will concentrate on the "Classic Town" sets as I have accumulated all of them issued from 1978 and 1979.  I'm still working on the sets issued from the 1980's.